Questions and Answers

What is Minecraft Multiplayer Servers?

Minecraft Multiplayer Servers is a website to help you find Minecraft servers to play on. Server owners add their server on the website, and players looking to join can either use the companion mod here or find one on this website

Minecraft Multiplayer Servers caters to this in game mod, but needs an interface for server owners to add their servers. The purpose is to lower the barrier to entry for players to find modded servers to play on, to help foster bigger communities.

This website has no association with Mojang or Minecraft.

What data is stored?

The 'Sign in with Google' button will provide Minecraft Multiplayer Servers with your OpenID (a unique identifier) and your gmail.

The purpose of storing an email address is to email you about server violations so that you can either rectify the issue, or be aware that your listing was changed.

The ID will be stored to uniquely identify you, so we can also provide roles on the website to determine if you're allowed to post a server or not.

Only server owners interested in adding their server need make an account. The site is open for anyone else.

What servers can I post on here?

Only servers for Minecraft can be posted on here. Servers using free hosting sites are not allowed to be shared, however.

Servers must also be online before they can be added to the website. The submission form will not approve a server currently offline.


Every 5 minutes your server will be pinged to check if it's online or not. The website will display the most current status of the ping. This does not affect the mod, it will ping the listed address independently of the website.